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What a blessing to feel so supported through her connection with Spirit and willingness to bring forward guidance with poignant presence.  Simple, potent, and beautiful!" -ET

"She is a being full of magic and connection to the subtle realms where all possibility is birthed." -DG


"Corrina is a midwife of life, practical and mystical simultaneously, imbuing the ordinary with sanctity and wonder, connecting us all to the miracle that is our life." RSC

"For whatever may be occurring in your life, whether internal transformation or external and visible changes, Corrina is deeply and magically tuned in as a guide and co-heart on the journey." - BB

"Time spent with Corrina will inevitably reveal an already existent portal through which the light  can again suffuse my being and on I go happily and chirpily able to benefit myself and others with my re-focused, enlightened energy.  Not bad I think. I consider Corrina a gift to the world as well as to me."  A.J.S.

"How wonderful to have a special hour with a special person! Corrina's great gift is her very presence: in the moment and through the hour she is a listening ear, a discerning eye, a keen awareness, a caring heart - she is, with you and with all her being, and thereby facilitates healing.  Corrina's rare devotion to others inspires and encourages me to embody the very best." - Shannon J. Palmer, Esq.

"We had the pleasure of leaving our son with Corrina for a unique type of play therapy called "Special Hour".  Her  sweet and intelligent presence had such a positive impact on our son. Corrina is a real healer. Her sessions helped to restore a sense of balance and peace in our hearts during a very stressful time. I highly recommend her!" - K.D.

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