Breakthrough Sessions/Counsel
Adult or Child (age no barrier); one-on-one sessions at critical and/or creative junctures has been Corrina's forte for more than 25 years. In truth, it is always a "Special Hour" and most certainly a portal, through which the most relevant information & inspiration can come.
For children, tweens and teens; when current circumstances seem to threaten to break something integral and precious. No less for adults; in grand life transitions, whether challenged, perplexed, or just ready to push the envelope/step into more.
Special Hours
Designate An Hour with Corrina, to invite/allow innate wisdom to reveal heretofore hidden pieces of a puzzle that is yours and yours alone.
Know that there is always a gestalt; an organized whole that is perceived as more than the sum of its parts. We turn our attention to the weft and warp of our own tapestry in order to bring the pattern into focus. The pattern, it transpires, is Known to us; encoded and recognizable as ours. The pattern is obscured when circumstances and events alarm or dismay us. In overwhelm, we are temporarily befuddled.
Circumstances may present on a spectrum from radical upheaval to a general stuckness/quagmired, to perceived diminished joie de vivre.
A Special Hour directs a beam over the internal landscape and, like sunlight on water, upsparkles draw us in. The power of a designated hour has again and again astonished us.
"There is only one hero, s/he has a thousand faces. One of them is yours."
A Hobbit's Journal
Footnote to Special Hours:
The term 'Special Hours' originated from an elder mentor of my early adult life. Rachel Pinney was a fireball character who forged a bold and effective path with a seemingly unreachable 3 year old child. Bobby: Breakthrough of a Special Child documents Rachel's unorthodox approach, plus the unlikely and wholly welcome results. In 1980s London, giving Special Hours under Rachel's tutelage, I learned unequivocally that children have their own brilliant solutions when afforded respectful space and keen attention (such as a 'Special Hour' is designed to give). At the time I applied this emergent model directly in my capacity as pediatrics director of Save the Children Fund hospital playscheme.
It quickly became apparent in those circumstances that the premise was eminently applicable with adults as well as children; my Special Hours sensitivity enhanced my ability to be there for the parents and other relatives of a child patient. Special Hour lore later lent itself easily in the context of nationwide home-schooling community, addressing one-on-one, with adult and/or child, such family dynamics as arose in a highly motivated, tight-knit family unit. Over time, the premise of Special Hours has proven invaluable in every set & setting and, indeed, serves as a key to nurturing full human potential.

"There is only one hero, s/he has a thousand faces. One of them is yours."
A Hobbit's Journal